MARVEL Future Fight CTP Guide
by coolyou
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This guide will describe each CTP in Monopoly Go, and then try to provide a general guideline on which characters to equip them on.
Note: All this info comes from U4gm. You can discover more valuable insights and expert tips here that have the potential to revolutionize your MFF gaming experience. Also, you can buy MARVEL Future Fight Accounts with Diamonds and 6-star heroes here that achieve your goals quickly and easily. Don’t forget to use code “Mods” for 5% off!
CTP of Refinement

Stats to look for – 20% recovery of Max HP and guard against 6 hits. Get the rest as close to the max stats as possible.
Remarks – Very niche usage as this CTP doesn’t have guard break immunity. Keep stashed in inventory until they update it, or use it to reforge.
CTP of Transcendence

Stats to look for – Below 50% HP, decrease reflect damage by 50% with 5 seconds invincibility. Get the rest as close to the max stats as possible.
Remarks – Niche usage (AC/AT). Do not expect much in PvE content, will perform worse than obelisks in most cases. Can be reforged, so keep it stashed in inventory.
CTP of Regeneration

Stats to look for – 10% recovery rate and shield 35% of Max HP. Get the rest as close to the max stats as possible.
Remarks – Most commonly used PvP CTP. Use on characters with high base HP (not max HP). Do not equip on PvE characters.
CTP of Destruction

Stats to look for – 30% penetration chance and 200% damage proc. Get the rest as close to the max stats as possible.
Remarks – Very cool name. The mechanics of this CTP are complicated. If the character has more than 30% penetration on their base kit, the 30% chance from the CTP will not get added to that. The percentage on the character will apply, and this CTP becomes equivalent to a 200 proc GBI obelisk. If the character has less than 30% penetration on their base kit, the effects from the CTP will be applied and utilized to it’s full extent. If the character has exactly 30% penetration on their base kit, the one with more targets (super armor, barrier, all damage immune, etc) will get applied.
CTP of Energy

Stats to look for – 200% damage proc. Get the rest as close to the max stats as possible.
Remarks – Ideal for characters that have one high damage skill or deal all of their damage in a 5-second window. Synergizes well with Pierce and requires high attack speed. Requires a set rotation and occasional kiting to extract maximum damage out of the CTP.
CTP of Insight

Stats to look for – 20% increase in damage dealt to each faction. Get the rest as close to the max stats as possible.
Remarks – The only support CTP in the game, with a proc affecting everyone on the team (including yourself). Effects from 2 CTPs of Insight do not stack.
CTP of Authority

Stats to look for – 5 second invincibility below 50% HP. Get the rest as close to the max stats as possible.
Remarks – Very useful PvP CTP. Use it on characters that do not have a high base HP. Will likely perform worse than a Regen if you use auto-play.
CTP of Patience

Stats to look for – Below 50% HP, decrease reflect damage by 50% with 5 seconds invincibility. Get the rest as close to the max stats as possible.
Remarks – Very niche usage (AC/AT). Do not expect much in PvE content, will perform worse than obelisks in most cases. Keep stashed in inventory until they update it, or use it to reforge.
CTP of Greed

Stats to look for – 150% increase damage dealt. Get the rest as close to the max stats as possible.
Remarks – Niche usage. The damage procs activate one after another, for 5 seconds you’ll deal more damage to speed + universal, for the next 5 seconds you’ll deal more damage to combat + blast, for the next 5 seconds you’ll heal. Use it on characters that have good crowd control, decent survivability or if they have a dedicated faction support.
CTP of Rage

Stats to look for – 0.9% damage per 1% dodge and critical rate. Get the rest as close to the max stats as possible.
Remarks – One of the best PvE CTPs. To utilize it fully, the critical rate and dodge stat on your character details page must be maxed out at 75%. Damage increase applies to dealing with critical hits, so having a guaranteed crit rate on passives/supports will help you proc more consistently.
CTP of Judgement

Stats to look for – Increase all element damage by 200%. Get the rest as close to the max stats as possible.
Remarks – Very good CTP for elemental damage dealers (cold, fire, mind, poison, lightning). Synergizes well with Pierce and does not depend on critical attacks. Do not equip on non-elemental damage dealers.
This guide will describe each CTP in Monopoly Go, and then try to provide a general guideline on which characters to equip them on. Note: All this info comes from U4gm. You can discover more valuable insights and expert tips here that have the potential to revolutionize your MFF gaming experience. Also, you can buy…
This guide will describe each CTP in Monopoly Go, and then try to provide a general guideline on which characters to equip them on. Note: All this info comes from U4gm. You can discover more valuable insights and expert tips here that have the potential to revolutionize your MFF gaming experience. Also, you can buy…